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Popcorn Chips

Have you ever had one of those moments where you have to eat your words? You know, one of those times that you’ve said something, only to be proven wrong a moment later? This happened to me recently, and it was a learning experience, to be sure.


During our break in this class, we share a snack. This particular week, our professor brought a snack that I immediately dismissed because it looked like something I would not enjoy… popcorn chips. My previous experiences with this sort of snack, something fairly healthy, masquerading as something deliciously fattening, had not been pleasant. Well, once the bag was opened, and a chance to try one available, I accepted. They were delicious. So delicious, in fact, that I ate more than anyone else there.


In our Christian journey, we often make considerably more meaningful presumptions about something we don’t know, based off of something that appears to be similar. Yet, it is often in embracing what God may be showing us anew, that we are able to truly discover something that is utterly delicious.


Robert A. Perales

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